Your path to a stronger marriage

Barrie, ON

Nov 15, 2025

Mapleview Church

One-day conference experience

Mapleview Church

We desire for each person coming through our doors to experience a life-changing transformation through Jesus Christ, moving from consumer to contributor. The Mapleview process involves our mission statement – GIVING, GROWING AND GOING. These three characteristics are not separate compartments, but are overlapping actions and attitudes for both the individual and for our church body as a whole. Giving, Growing and Going produces fruitfulness that God desires to see in every believer and in everything our church does.



November 15th @ 9:00 AM


November 15th @ 5:00 PM

Early bird rate

$80 (available until October 15, 2025)


$100 per couple


Mapleview Church

300 Mapleview Drive West

Barrie, ON

L4N 9E7

Venue location